Celebrating 22 Years and a New Year

Today is the 22nd anniversary of my marriage to Jim. In some ways it is hard to believe it has been that long (I do not feel 22 years older); in others, it certainly does. Jim has been kind to me in 2014: three kitty sisters have joined the family over the course of the year. He unexpectedly gifted me with a beautiful and delicate necklace today for our anniversary.

2014 has been a year of both joys and disappointments…and a lot of changes for me and for various family members. I grieved the loss of my oldest and beloved cat, Calleigh duTwain, in June. I miss her sweet face and quiet love. I am fortunate to have retained all three of my part-time jobs. It is a blessing to work with my cousin MJ at Wayne State University and my sister Melissa at church and Birmingham Bible Institute. I have also assumed the role of webmaster for the church website, which I am enjoying. This fall I participated in a wonderful–and personally challenging–Bible study, Behold Your God, with my mother, sister, cousin, and niece Sarah. The biggest earthly blessing this year is continuing to share a home with my mother, who turned 90 in July. God is so gracious to allow me (and the others in the family) the benefit of her companionship and her counsel for as long as He has. The gift of time is so important. I am celebrating all of these things.

Tomorrow begins a new year, and we cannot know now what it will hold. I do know that–whatever comes–I have a God who does not change (Hebrews 13:8) and who can be trusted to work all things together for my good because I love Him (Romans 8:28).