Losses Mute December Joy

I am very sorry to report that two close family members have had to bid farewell to much-loved feline companions in the last ten days. On December 9, my sister Melissa’s newest kitty, Choo Choo Charley, crossed the Rainbow Bridge at the age of five. He had developed a condition which made it impossible for him to empty his bowels on his own. Despite lots of loving care and veterinary assistance the problem could not be corrected or even improved.

Melissa's Phone 224

Last night my cousin MJ and I tearfully said goodbye to my “godcat,” Pwitty Girl (more commonly known as PG). PG was MJ’s first pet, a prissy little beauty whose high-stepping curlies (curly paws) always impressed me. She was adopted from our vet in July 2000 at the age of 1 1/2.  A little over three years ago, PG was diagnosed with liver cancer. MJ tenderly nursed and encouraged her, undoubtedly prolonging her life. Until this week, she had been a very enthusiastic diner. She always welcomed me when I came to feed her while MJ was at work, displaying keen interest in the meals I would concoct for her in the kitchen. When she lost interest in food and dropped below four pounds, MJ knew it was time.


I hope to meet these kitties again one day on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. In the meantime, these losses make me very sad.